About Judith B. Herman
Call me Judy. My name is spelled "Judith" but pronounced "Judy."
I am a freelance writer and artist based in Palos Verdes, California, where I love hiking in the canyons. Although we traveled to Patagonia and Irian Jaya, our native California always drew my late husband, John Wessel, and me back. I continue to explore the world with my current partner, John Taylor.
As a former reference librarian at the Los Angeles Central Library, my research skills extend beyond Google. I write magazine and newspaper features, profiles and reviews with emphasis on art, language, travel and the environment. I edit the Foggy View, the newsletter of the Sierra Club's Palos Verdes-South Bay Group. Switching from the verbal to the visual, I paint, collage, photograph and use the computer to distort the reality documented by my camera. I am a founding member and past president of the Photographic and Digital Artists (PADA) affiliate of the Palos Verdes Art Center.
BA, Spanish, University of California, Los Angeles
MSLS, Library Science, University of Southern California
MS, Linguistics, California State University, Long Beach